Here's the Tigers that watched us ALL THE WAY too and from their little gated area. I swear they even licked their lips looking at Liliana. But man oh man were they beautiful against the white snow. I'd had to say they were my favorite animals to see that day!

Here's Marcus and Liliana teasing the Meerkats through the glass. They were seriously all over in the corner trying to dig their way through the glass. We scared all away except for one determined Kat who was determined to dig his way to freedom!!

And yes... I just had to compare my hand to a Gorilla's hand. I have long fingers but I'm glad they're still shorter than the Goooorrriiillllaaaa's. (insert Tarzan reference now.)
Here's precious Liliana looking up at Monkeys... I think... Seeing as they were one of the only few animals active that day!

And some Giraffes. :) Aren't they cute? We were the only ones enjoying them eat branches that had no leaves. Awww... Poor Giraffes.

And lastly here's our little family pic! Marcus had just had an eye test so his eyes were all dilated and huge so he had to wear his sunglasses. That was fun having him drive to and fro from the Zoo. (...glad we made it alive... I offered to drive but NOO he said he was FINE... never again. *shudder*) Ha ha ;)

Thanks for reading our family posting! :D Maybe next time I'll get brave and post a video or something. Meh, we'll see.
Your little girl is so beautiful Cami! I can relate with the eye dilation. With Brad in optometry school he gets dilated frequently for other students to practice on him, then he always ends up being the one to drive!